Gardiner Equestrian

Online Courses

The purpose of our online video courses is to break down the training steps in depth, to help you understand your horse at the most fundamental psychological level, and to provide you with both the principles and methods to train your horse effectively.

Complete Video Package

Basics of Liberty Video Package

The following five videos will help you understand the fundamental principles of liberty and horsemanship as well as provide methods and exercises to begin your training journey.


Individual Training Video

Have a particular training video you are interested in? You can also purchase all training videos individually.

In this video, we delve into the core principles of training. Methods can vary from trainer to trainer, but these principles of training should never change! Apply these principles to All training methods.


In this video, we look closely at the behaviour of ‘Shaping up’. The shaping up behaviour is an instinctive and natural behaviour observed within the herd environment, but why is it so important in the training?


Being a leader for your horse is imperative. Horses are hierarchical animals. In this video, we begin to look at the process of leading your horse in the correct way.


Marker training is not simply a ’trick’ but rather, a great way to reward your horse! In this video, we introduce the horse to marker training. Marker training gives your horse a place to go to for a total release of pressure from the training.


Lungeing horses is one of the most commonly misunderstood and incorrectly executed exercises. In this video, we break down exactly what is going through your horses mind when being lunged.


Partnered with

The Horseman Collective

Access a full video library of online training through The Horseman Collective. Imagine having 20 world-class trainers in your pocket, ready to guide you and your horse anytime, anywhere.